We are building a community of Southeast Asian makers and artisans who produce export-quality stocks that align with our values.


Each of our makers is either women-owned, from an underprivileged community, or is an MSME (micro, small, or medium sized enterprise)


All Seak’s makers meet a minimum sustainability criteria, which cover working conditions, responsible sourcing of raw materials, and eco-friendly production methods


We continually measure supplier quality, taking into account customer feedback, adherence to shipping timelines, and item quality checks at our local warehouse.

Meet Our Makers


THORR’s goal is to create useful, stylish, unique, and appealing cultural products that suit the modern and active urban lifestyle. The brand primarily uses natural yarn made from the sedge plant, which has excellent qualities and can be found in Thailand. Each THORR product is carefully woven by skilled Thai artisans who pour their love and attention to detail into showcasing the art of Thai weaving and dyeing. THORR aims to generate sustainable incomes for people in their hometown. Their products help to preserve the century-old tradition of Thai cultural weaving.

Maison Craft

Maison Craft is dedicated to promoting and preserving traditional arts and crafts of local Thai products through modern design. The founder grew up in a countryside home with artisanal goods such as jute hammocks and woven mats used in daily life. These affordable and locally made items were often taken for granted. However, while traveling to different parts of the world, the founder witnessed cultures that highly valued handicrafts. She realized the wisdom of previous generations and the significance of "home" as not just a physical space but a place filled with love and protection.


Mat-er has enhanced Thai weaving handicrafts to suit contemporary lifestyles. They feature new, visually appealing patterns and colors, and are made from a durable, non-shiny texture recyclable PP plastic material. They are waterproof, offer UV protection, and can be used on both sides, both indoors and outdoors. Furthermore, these mats provide protection against dust mites, fungi, and bacteria, meeting international standards and enhancing the value of Thai products.


Pleangphar innovates old traditions into modern products. All of their materials are natural and handmade, and their dyes are made from trees, leaves, fruits, and seeds. Additionally, Pleang Phar supports women & farmers from the Pwa Kyo Nyo tribe in northern Thailand.


Manomãn, a home textile brand founded in May 2020 by Agne Montvilaite and Manisara Khumwattana (Ni), strives to create a lifestyle focused on slow and peaceful living. They craft small-batch, handmade products with modern aesthetics and functionality, using ethically sourced, durable materials. With a commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, Manomãn has gained recognition in Thailand, Southeast Asia, garnering a growing international customer base and partnering with retail outlets throughout the region.

Varni Southern Wickery

Varni Craft is a community enterprise group located in Phatthalung, Southern Thailand, with the aim of reducing poverty, unemployment, and gender inequality. They focus on developing the local craft of woven basketry using Krajood, a local plant. Varni Craft provides a reliable source of employment for over 100 families while promoting creative craftsmanship. By combining traditional basketry techniques with modern design, using sustainable Krajood weed as a material, they strive to showcase Phatthalung's craftsmanship to a broader audience.


Sonite combines innovation and sustainability together. They turn waste such as rice husks and coconut fibers into high-value upcycled home decor items. These products include avoid single-use products, collecting raw materials from neighboring communities and reducing pollution.


Established in 2005, the brand was founded to preserve the traditional weaving techniques of baskets, trays, and bags, passing them down to the next generation. The raw material, Krajood or Grey Sedge, is locally sourced. The brand creates contemporary designs while maintaining consistent quality. It has contributed to increasing income for villagers and fostering a sense of community unity.


Macrame empowers artisans in a northern Thai Akha village, providing income and skill development. The brand collaborates with Akha women, recognizing their untapped potential. Together, they create eco-friendly, contemporary products, especially Christmas ornaments, sharing a love for nature, craftsmanship, and Akha culture